Originally Posted by SL8Brick
...so I won't speculate on any changes...but...
Alright, I told myself I wouldn't do this and I know this totally non-scientific...but my last 2 fill-ups since
partially insulating the box have averaged @ 24.5mpg. Also, the 'butt-dyno' has indicated a moderate improvement in throttle response, even after sitting in traffic on a 90f deg. day(That's never happened before!).
So, I've decided to take it a step further. I just ordered another Thermo-Tec heat barrier, but this time I bought a 12"x24" sheet which should be enough to completely cover the box and still have some left over to do the Wife's ride. I also ordered a 1.5"x15' roll of heat barrier tape so I can wrap up the air tube between the airbox & MAF sensor.