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Old 09-17-2006, 07:10 PM   #11
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The easiest way to break into a Honda is by punching in the keyhole. My integra had it punched in, and my EF had it punched in. Its a little less risky than smashing a window, as it isnt nearly as loud, and glass doesnt go flying everywhere. All you need is a screwdriver.

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Old 09-19-2006, 04:52 AM   #12
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I'm gonna preface by saying, I'm not a theif, I've just had my car broken into/stolen plenty of times (more than 10 all together). All the cars mentioned in this thread can have the windows pulled back with a prybar, making a slimjim unnessisary. Once in the car it can be stolen easily, as the key ignition is nothing more than a cover for a switch that is held on by a couple screws. The steering wheel lock is cast, and can be busted with a little grunt and a prybar.

Stock CRX's are worth pretty good money as parts are hard to come by. However, they are no where near as targetted as modified cars, particularly ones with big wheel. Also, if you make enough layers of security, you would make it not worth it for a theif. However, a pissed off theif tends to vandalize the car. The Metro would only be safer in that its parts are less desirable. It would be no harder to steal it if a theif wanted it (for joyriding and drug deals they don't tend to care as much about what type of car it is).

Parking near a more desirable car is actually a pretty good way to keep your car safe. Although car theives sometimes come by in a group and steal several cars at once. I guess you can never ensure a victory over a car theif.

w00t, finally above the EPA rating!
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Old 09-19-2006, 10:20 AM   #13
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Most cars are easy to get into if you know how and a few simple tools.

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Old 09-19-2006, 10:50 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Lance
Plus, from time to time you can find a Honda with CC, PW, PL etc,. I haven't seen any Metros with that. Maybe the Swift or Fireflys have them. Dunno... anyone?
There are plenty of after-market kits for power locks and power windows, as well as keyless entry. The same is true for Cruise Control. I would say that finding a car with a working A/C system is the most important, however.
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Old 09-19-2006, 02:10 PM   #15
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On looking for a car, I'd echo what Matt said about the A/C. I have added A/C to an 87 Civic and I have the part's to add it to my 89, but I haven't been able to get to it, yet. You can get the part's to add it, from a salvage, and it work's very nice, once it's done. However, if you can buy a car with the A/C already installed, even if it's not operating, that would be a much easier route to go, than adding it, after the fact. Additionally, on a 90's era car, the cost is virtually non-existent between a car with A/C and one without A/C, so if you have a choice, I would go for the A/C.

As far as the CRX's getting broken into, I can't comment, since I am driving a 89 Wagon. However, my "philosophy" is that if I use the passenger's side for collecting my trash, that it's very unlikely anyone will want to steal the car, since it's "dirty". Additionally, my under-dash is all dangling wire's, since I got half way through modifications to codfish and so I have a kill switch, which work's, but it also trips the ecu into a fault condition, so I don't use it to the extent I had planned. Finally, as SVOboy said, a stock engine doesn't do much to get anyone excited about ripping it off.
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Old 09-19-2006, 06:39 PM   #16
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I once owned a Delta 88,,, brand new folks wanted to break into it parked infront of the house. I put a alarm on it. About 3 days later It went off. I grabed the 44 mag. and went out the back door so I could get a clear shot and not shoot my car. He saw me. A big fat white guy in his tighty whiteys and a cannon. He ran and I missed him. Blew a branch out of a tree above his head. Needless to say he ended up in hospital with wood in his head. All charges where drop against me.

Moral is,,, hand cannon and big fat white guys in redneck towns always win. We havent had anything botherd in year now. Knock on blued steel.
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Old 09-20-2006, 01:07 AM   #17
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Many years ago I was getting one of my cars broken into every saturday night for ages - it was obvious it was the same guys.
I got tired of replacing door locks , so I put an alarm in it.- actually it was a simple one that I made form a kit.

The next saturday night it went off (2am) so I grabbed my handy tire iron and took off out the house.
The guy (non white guy) took off too and he run SOOO fast you wouldnt belive it.
I chased him for about half a mile screaming that ime going to mess him up big time.

I never did catch him - didnt actually want to make good on my threats.
But it worked and he never came back again.
My alarm was never set off after that during the time I kept that car.

But the thing with alarms is dont count on any neighbour or stranger to come and help when it goes off - If your not in earshot and willing to do some running with a big stick , dont bother with installing an alarm.
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Old 09-20-2006, 07:35 AM   #18
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I'm sure someone makes an alarm simaler to those made for motorcycles that come with a pager to tell you what is going on insted of having the horn beep.
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Old 09-20-2006, 09:21 AM   #19
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My friend had one like that Ryland. A little bulky, but this friend also had $6k worth of competition stereo equipment in the back of his Jeep Grand Cherokee and didn't feel the need to have it lifted. Anyway, the pager was very cool, was about the size of 1/2 a deck of cards, and even had a sensor for each section of the car so the icon would beep/flash/whatever and then indicate that the driver's door, hatch, etc was being invaded. I think it was Viper something alarm but he said it cost $5-600. Not I. I go with a hidden kill switch and the fact it's a factory faded paint, 222k mile, '85 Honda CRX with exposed rear speakers slapped on to the wheel wells by magnetic force alone. That deters most of all. When I install a simple 10" woofer it'll be concealed. Mak
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Old 09-20-2006, 03:38 PM   #20
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can't have anything nice in this world , well actually you can have a sleeper no problem :P

Honda's are notorious for being broken into due to all the interchangeable parts on them. They went as far as taking the entire dash out of my civic! Even stock CRX shells are expensive! (just the bare frame) all of the hondas I've owned have had broken drivers side windows atleast one time (just look in any older honda's air vents, i'll bet you find broken glass) My civic actually has a bent door I dont' see why you'd bend the door to get in, but they did. I think she's on her third engine!

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