Originally Posted by garyhgaryh
Wow, you have a supercharged Regal! Nice.. How much HP is that thing putting out?
Im guessing 280-299 (I dont wanna say 300 cause I dont want to overrate my car

Havent taken it to the track yet but I have a scangauge interceptor and according to that my car runs 14.2 @100 MPG in the quarter. Dont know how accurate that is but I should take my car to the track soon.
It still gets 33 MPG on road trips if I set the cruise control at 65 so thats nice. I'm gunning for the 12's in the quarter so when tax return season comes Im buying an intercooler. Im a GM fan and all but it annoys me how their FI cars didnt come with IC's back in the day. My truck didnt come with an IC either
I noticed your car list too when I first signed up here, Gotta post picks of that Typhoon dude, thats one of my dreamcars

Did that come with an IC stock?