Originally Posted by R.I.D.E.
No reciprocation and an engine that like the movie "transformer" changes its basic operational state from internal combustion to flywheel. Add a cvt and you can pulse the engine to a speed and let it power the vehicle as a flywheel while the cvt adjusts the "gear ratio' to compensate for the gradual reduction in flywheel speed as its energy storage is depleted gradually.
Kind of like the old flywheel toy cars us old guys might remember.
Store 1000 horsepower seconds of energy in the flywheel (with combustion) then bleed it in 20 hp increments to the vehicle WITH THE ENGINE CONSUMING NO FUEL BECAUSE IT HAS CHANGED INTO A FLYWHEEL.
Thats pulse and glide without changing the vehicles speed, and I believe that is the engine of the future.
Is that what is needed? A 2000 lb rotating engine block / flywheel mass added to a 2000 lb vehicle? The engine now has to not only accelerate the car's mass, but it has to accelerate its own. Yes the energy once put into the spinning mass can be withdrawn and used, but it has to be put in and replenished to prevent depletion.
The use of a 3500 lb vehicle with a 500 lb motor has just as much mass in motion and just as much kinetic energy as my example above.