Greetings GasSavers!
Just bought a '92 Civic VX and this forum has had invaluable advice for the myriad issues mine seems to have (all-in-all pretty solid but *quirky*)
Armed with Helms, advice from these archives, and a little luck I will be tearing down the entire air intake system to try and eliminate variables.
This will include:
EGR; EACV, IAVC, throttle body, intake manifold, injectors and whatever else I haven't listed that's related. I will be doing mostly cleaning and reconditioning of the existing parts.
While I feel confident I can do this my questions revolve around my lack of *specific* experience in doing any of this.
Helms points out a plethora of gaskets, o-rings and the like that they say should be replaced when doing this work but...
(the real question many of these parts can actually be re-used (assuming they aren't damaged in the process) AND which will I most likely need based on your collective experiences.
I'd like to arm myself with the right repair parts without spending gobs or having to wait for things to be shipped because I overlooked something.
Hope that's a specific enough question. Let me know if I need to clarify.
Thanks in advance!!