My Passat GLS TDI Note Log
2005 Volkswagen Passat
Property of 2012PassatSEL.
Added Mar 17 2012
Showing all notes
Apr 6 2012
This puppy got traded in, unfortunately. Was going to do the balance shaft conversion from chain to gear, but the wife talked me out of it.
Added by 2012PassatSEL on Apr 7 2012 at 6:49 am
Mar 16 2012
Have had the car for 6 years almost. Have averaged Summer 90% highway 46-50 mpg. I have a light foot and found the cars sweet spot. Winter, the colder it gets the lower the mileage. I have 4 studded winters in place, and anywhere from 37 when 0-20F most of the time to about 43 when warmer. Unfortunately in the garage right now with the balancer shaft chain issue. so I am getting really good mileage right now.
Added by 2012PassatSEL on Mar 17 2012 at 4:55 am
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