My Passat GLS TDI Fuel-up Log
2005 Volkswagen Passat
Property of 2012PassatSEL.
Added Mar 17 2012
Showing a single fuel-up
Mar 16 2012
Have had the car for 6 years almost. Have averaged Summer 90% highway 46-50 mpg. I have a light foot and found the cars sweet spot. Winter, the colder it gets the lower the mileage. I have 4 studded winters in place, and anywhere from 37 when 0-20F most of the time to about 43 when warmer. Unfortunately in the garage right now with the balancer shaft chain issue. so I am getting really good mileage right now.
Added by 2012PassatSEL on Mar 17 2012 at 4:55 am
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