2017 Crosstrek Limited Fuel-up Log
2017 Subaru Crosstrek
Property of Badwater.
Added Oct 18 2017
Showing a single fuel-up
Jul 4 2019
A 315.0 mile drive from Buttonwillow to Vegas to end the PCH road trip. Mild tail winds from Buttonwillow to Barstow getting stronger to Vegas on the I-15. Temps from high 90s dropping to mid 80s during the midnight drive from Barstow to Vegas. AC and cruse control used except going up and down long steep hills. Just missed the massive earth quake in Ridgecrest CA which is about 50 miles North of Kramer Junction and HWY 58.
Added by Badwater on Jul 8 2019 at 9:34 am
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