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Octy combi 4x4 Fuel-up Log

2007 Skoda Octavia
Property of boxty. Added Oct 20 2014

Showing a single fuel-up

Jul 27 2015

Filled up in Applegreen in Palmerstown to fill up. OBC had been showing 0 km fuel range left for a good few KM by the time I got there and car seemed to be starting to splutter a but when I was getting very close to fuel station. Car was absolutely brimmed to fit in 55.79. After that I drove into Mater Hospital on NCR to collect tiagra shifters and from there on to Great wood in blanch to meet ciaran, then drove back to Lucan via M50 and drove down to DBO with boot full on Fri, drove from home in dbo to hotel, drove into carrick and boyle and back via carrick on Sat, drove back to dub on sun (pumped tires in Kennedy station on dublin rd, carrick to 3 bar), had used just shy of half tank by the time we got home). Maire drove my car to Blanch and back on the Tuesday. I then had to drive to Dbo for Helen Stenson's funeral and back to Lucan again(drove harder than normal on way down). Then collected Maire and drove to Coombe and back home and OBC was estimating 60km til empty. Filled up in Foxhunter on Sat 01/08/2015 (OBC estimating 40km but car was completely loaded and oisin in back and 3 bikes on rack so decided best to fill in Lucan)

  • 537.5
  • 14.714
  • €4.92
  • €72.41
  • 36.5

Added by boxty on Jul 27 2015 at 5:36 am

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