1961 Morris Minor MPG
Based on data from 3 vehicles, 32 fuel-ups and 4,882 miles of driving, the 1961 Morris Minor gets a combined Avg MPG of 25.03 with a 2.38 MPG margin of error.
Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 1 outliers (3.03%) removed.
Following shows the average MPG of each of the 3 vehicles in the system.
1961 Morris Minor Standard 4 Speed
Added Jun 2015 • 14 Fuel-upsProperty of upacreek
27.9 Avg MPG
1961 Morris Minor GAS L4
Added Oct 2013 • 8 Fuel-upsProperty of chesney
27.5 Avg MPG
Daisy May
1961 Morris Minor
Added Aug 2011 • 15 Fuel-upsProperty of fossy97
22.8 Avg MPG