My Honda Fit Fuel-up Log
2012 Honda Fit
Property of Fit2012.
Added Aug 5 2012
Showing a single fuel-up
May 1 2014
Valero, El Cam. near Grant, 87 octane, 1:17 PM, Thurs, 12056 miles, Car: 31.1 MPG, Also, B 1 Maintenance light (15% oil life left) ON Tues, 4/29/2014 ~ 8:20PM
- Valero,
- El
- Cam.
- near
- Grant,
- 87
- Octane,
- 1:17
- PM,
- Thurs,
- 12056
- miles,
- car:
- 31.1
- MPG,
- Also,
- B
- 1
- Mainten
Added by Fit2012 on May 2 2014 at 6:27 am
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