1992 Toyota Corolla MPG
Based on data from 45 vehicles, 2,147 fuel-ups and 460,241 miles of driving, the 1992 Toyota Corolla gets a combined Avg MPG of 25.20 with a 0.29 MPG margin of error.
Below you can see a distribution of the fuel-ups with 57 outliers (2.59%) removed.
Following shows the average MPG of each of the 45 vehicles in the system.
1992 Toyota Corollas For Sale Nearby
Rusty, AKA The Beige Beast
1992 Toyota Corolla
Added Jun 2009 • 81 Fuel-upsProperty of aphexjb
30.3 Avg MPG
My First Car
1992 Toyota Corolla GAS L4
Added Aug 2008 • 34 Fuel-upsProperty of KevinAWolfe
31.2 Avg MPG
1992 Toyota Corolla GAS L4
Added Aug 2009 • 7 Fuel-upsProperty of hopsoid
31.5 Avg MPG
ol' reliable
1992 Toyota Corolla GAS L4
Added Sep 2008 • 8 Fuel-upsProperty of lorch
35.6 Avg MPG
1992 Toyota Corolla GAS L4
Added Jan 2011 • 145 Fuel-upsProperty of mario77
23.8 Avg MPG